AUPRT, BUPRT Training and UPRS in Switzerland
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT): Basic, Advanced and Seminars at your airfield
So far Wings Level has flown
AUPRT courses
Acro ratings
Aerobatic Rating Made Easy
For our valued Students, Wings Level offers the State of the Art of Aerobatic instruction at an affordable price. Check out Wings Level offer!

Angelika Stueckler (CH)
I have participated in a UPRT seminar and found it very valuable. It is important to learn about stalls, spins and abnormal flight conditions and how to resolve them. I have received a very professional impression of our instructors Hampi and Andrea, who also appeared very supportive and friendly during the seminar. I would absolutely recommend this seminar to pilots who want to expand their skills and capabilities.
Angelika Stueckler

Matthew McDonald (AU)
Matt McDonald

René Meier – A320 First Officer (CH)
It was a really nice experience to feel what it is like to be upse and how to recover.
Very interesting repetition of aerodynamics and what the definition stall means.
Got to know the difference between loss of control and upset.
I would really recommend this course to be attended to widen the horizon and to learn how to recover from a situation like this.
René Meier

Simon Aellig – A320 Captain (CH)
I had the opportunity to participate in the Upset prevention and Recovery Seminar in Birrfeld. Very interesting theory part in the morning and flying on the Cessna 152 Aerobat in the afternoon. Great Seminar and good value, to be recommended!
Simon Aellig

Adrian (CH)
Ich durfte am 10. Februar 2023 am Wings level UPRS Course I in Neuchâtel teilnehmen . Das war eine wirklich eindrückliche Erfahrung (oder besser Erfliegung) für mich! Hampi und Andrea begleiteten mich und eine zweite Pilotin durch den ganzen Tag – Vormittags mit ein wenig Theorie und am Nachmittag ging’s ab in die Luft.
Es war wirklich super und ich freue mich bereits auf den nächsten Kurs!»